Doggy Daycare
Doggy daycare is an excellent way for your dog to get the exercise they need to relieve boredom and anxiety. If you're faced with a long day away from home or stressed over leaving your pup alone, doggy daycare at the Dog House Lodge is a GRRReat answer.
Our daycare guests get 5-7 outings a day in one of our four dog yards where they have many activities to choose from: Sandbox Pools Toys Social interaction (with dogs and/or humans) And they also get rest periods in their own private suite when they need a break from all the fun! Daycare reservations are by appointment only and are not booked more than one week in advance. 1st Dog $25 2nd Dog from same family in same suite: $15 Prepaid packages are available for 5 / 10 / 20 visits.
Our daycare guests get 5-7 outings a day in one of our four dog yards where they have many activities to choose from: Sandbox Pools Toys Social interaction (with dogs and/or humans) And they also get rest periods in their own private suite when they need a break from all the fun! Daycare reservations are by appointment only and are not booked more than one week in advance. 1st Dog $25 2nd Dog from same family in same suite: $15 Prepaid packages are available for 5 / 10 / 20 visits.